Il Tutto Zizee Essential Crib


Simple and safe, modest yet functional, the ZiZee is our newest CoZee, now available as a bassinet, compared to its Co-sleeping Bassinet sisters. Designed with safety in mind, the bassinets transparent sides will promote healthy airflow to help regulate your baby’s body temperature while sleeping, all while offering you full transparency of your sleeping newborn.

The CoZee ZiZee’s simplistic design with scandi walnut legs come lockable wheels for easy mobility around your house, while your baby continuously sleeps by your side, as recommended by Red Nose.

Like our CoZee Co-Sleepers, the ZiZee can fold and pack up within 30 seconds into its included bag and easily be taken with you on weekends away and holidays, replacing the need of a port-a-cot in the early months.

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My Baby Cairns